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How can translations of Pokémon games go wrong?

Pokémon games have been around since the late 1990s, and they’ve become a worldwide phenomenon. While the games are available in many languages, there are some dialects that can be difficult to translate accurately. In this post, we’ll take a look at how translations of Pokémon games can go wrong – and how to avoid making these mistakes yourself. By understanding common translation issues, you can ensure that your Pokémon game will be playable in any language! But what translation issues are there? And how can you avoid these problems when you’re translating your own game?


So what are some translation mistakes?

Mistranslations commonly occur when someone doesn’t know a language well enough to translate accurately. Or if they don’t try hard enough! Each language has its own complicated set of rules and grammar, so trying to make an exact word-for-word translation or replacing your dictionary definitions with online translation services won’t always sound right. To avoid translation mistakes like these, you’ll need to better understand each language.

Different Names for the Same Thing

Different languages use different words to refer to things! Sometimes they choose to give things completely unrelated names; sometimes the translation is one letter off, and sometimes two similar words mean two entirely different things. So if you’re translating Pokémon, make sure that it’s clear what each word means – otherwise you might end up with translation issues.

So how can you avoid translation mistakes like these?

If you don’t know much about another language, its grammar rules and vocabulary might seem too complicated to learn. But learning one new language is like learning any complex subject – it takes time and effort, but you’ll get there eventually. There are translation services online that can help you translate text for free or for cheap – but these aren’t enough on their own. If possible, find someone who speaks the language you’re translating to – ideally a native speaker! They’ll be able to help guide your translation, point out where translation mistakes tend to occur, and even double-check your work.

So translation mistakes can happen for many reasons. But most translation issues that you’ll run into will be pretty obvious – and how to deal with them will depend on your translation goals

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at some common translation mistakes and how they can be avoided:

Mistranslations due to minor word changes

Typically these involve one word being replaced with another, or changed by one letter – so they’re easy to miss! One of the simplest translation mistakes is simply not knowing which words mean the same thing in different languages. So as you translate your Pokémon game into new languages (or if someone else translates it for you), make sure that each word has an accurate translation that will make sense to each native speaker.

A translation mistake due to a minor word change usually looks something like this:

In English, the translation of these two sentences would be very similar. But in other languages, small translation mistakes can change the meaning – and that makes your translation inaccurate! In order to avoid translation issues like these, it’s a good idea to get feedback from more than one person during the translation process. One native speaker might notice a translation mistake where another doesn’t – and their input will help you create a translation that’s accurate for each language. This is especially true if you’re translating into foreign languages that are very different from your own!

Mistranslations due to grammar misunderstandings

It’s not just translation issues caused by translation mistakes in words; sometimes translation mistakes can be because of translation mistakes in grammar! For example, translation mistakes like these might happen because you don’t know when or where to use a particular word or phrase. If your translation doesn’t make sense when read aloud (or if it’s just plain wrong!) then you’re likely dealing with translation issues due to grammar misunderstandings.

So there you have it, our guide to translating Pokemon games. While we can’t promise that this will be perfect for every single game out there, it should give you a good place to start!


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